Issla, A Vampire Living In The 21st Century - REPUBLISHED

It's unfortunate when new authors get scammed by companies like the AEG Group (Eloquent Books, Strategic Books & Writer's Literary Agency aka WLWriter's Literary Agency.) I was one of those hungry authors that wanted to be published so badly, I got roped in by these people. The job they did on my Manuscript was awful and fraudulant. I started out with Writers Literary Agency (the agents) and was charged for every inquiry they sent out and though I was told that I was rejected, I never saw one Rejection Notice. W.L.A. said they never keep them because they don't have the space. After a month I get the Joy-Package. Eloquent Books wanted to publish, Issla, on a joint venture for $675.00 payable by me and 50% of the net profits. Well I agreed and they selected an independant Editor (who I also found worked for AEG) and got me to layout another $2,000.00 for editing that a child could've done better. So then they went to print on an inferior product in Hard Cover, which sold for $28.50 and was missing 14 pages of the Manuscript. It was out for a year doing poorly in sales, when I got contacted by a legitimate new publisher called Silver Publishing. They liked the story, but it needed work, so I sent them the original Manuscript and low and behold they found all the errors and the missing 14 pages. Silver is a publisher of primarily Ebooks and if you've got a series going, which I did, they also do the paperback and guess what folks, I haven't been charged a dime, I got a wonderful contract and product and a new family. They're a traditional publisher. Now the only problems I have are getting the Eloquent Books product off the market sinced I fired Eloquent, as I had an out clause in the contract. A revewer got hold of Eloquents copy and did a not so favorable review and that threw me into a real tizzy. All I could do was make a comment that she got hold of an old version and that I've been battling to get it off the market with Cease and Desist letters and next a law suit, I really hope it doesnt come to that. Well all I can say is if you got ripped off by the Eloquents product, I'd like to know about it and see what I can do personally to make it right. I really hoped this helped even one newbie not to be scammed like I was. Regards, G.A. Endless, Author

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